Blog Post 35: When is Type C a Problem?

We’ve had many great chats with family and friends about Type C and love the engagement stimulated by identifying these personality traits; they seem to resonate with a lot of us. Someone posed a great question: “I really love helping people, so why is being Type C a problem?” The short answer: it’s not, unless the traits are hurting you in some way. Helping others, showing generosity of spirit, being a strong team player are wonderful qualities, as long as we’re doing a good job of taking care of ourselves – seeing to it that our relationships, bodies, and minds are healthy. We know our limits and are able to set boundaries and have well-balanced relationships with family, friends and work colleagues.  

But Type C can cross the line into pathological niceness - saying yes to too much in an effort to avoid the guilt that comes with saying no. Sometimes we are even unaware that our desire to help others is creating issues for us. The warning signs can be subtle; we may end up feeling angry and resentful, but we are not actively recognizing these emotions. When resentment creeps up, we can end up lonely and detached in the relationship. On a physical level, if we’re overdoing it or our relationships are a mess, we can end up with fatigue, migraines, stomach problems, or other ailments.

Awareness is the critical element. Are we aware of our motivation to help others? Is it a sincere desire or is it avoidance of letting people down / feeling guilt? Are we actively thinking about how saying yes will impact our daily schedule - the tradeoffs that are necessary to take on additional work/project/activities? Are we operating with intention, considering the costs as well as the benefits?


Blog Post 36: Quiet Quitting


Blog Post 34: Parenting as a Type C