Blog Post 23: We Asked Reddit!

We are intensely curious about the challenges Type C people face, and feel strongly that the power of story can really help other people. So, we went to Reddit (for those who are not familiar with it - Reddit is a social media app featuring discussion forums on thousands of topics. The AskReddit forum is quite popular) - we posed the following question: “If you are a people pleaser, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to NOT disappoint someone else?” Here’s what came back:

  • Bottle up my emotional problems for years so people don’t focus on me and pay attention to me because of them

  • Got married to the most toxic person I knew

  • Accepted job offer that was not satisfying at all

  • Pushed down my overall emotions towards everything so far that I forgot I’m actually a really empathetic person at heart and not constantly apathetic towards everything

  • Stayed married to a narcissistic alcoholic for 10 years. Because you don't get divorced

  • Lied about having a major Illness to get myself out of a really rough work situation

  • When I was younger, lots of sexual encounters I didn't really want to have

  • Went to university for a major I have no interest in

As you can see, the responses were fascinating and we are posting here in case you identify with them. We feel strongly that Type C people should know these patterns are very common and you are not alone!


Blog Post 24: How to Handle Narcissists


Blog Post 22: Carrying the Burdens of Other People